Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

It's the final countdown!

Welcome to our internet platform for the Exeter Summer Course 2010!

This blog intends to offer parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, sisters and brothers, friends, neighbours, pets and everybody else who is interested into our activities the most important information, our latest news and the best photos.

For the time being, I want you to prepare yourselves for our departure!

Meeting point: Parking area Schloss Mageregg (Klagenfurt)

August 7th 2010, 9.30 AM

Do not forget to bring with you the most important things we listed for you in the last e-mail.

In case of any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’m looking forward to a great summer course in a very lovely city called Exeter!

See you on the flipside,

Andi (Activity Leader)